In from Nikki is this sweet trio of images, which we are happy to share with you from our recent ‘Puffins of Skomer Island Photography Holiday’ that was conducted in June 2016:
A lovely portrait of a puffin, harder to achieve than you first imagine due to the depth of field that makes the image pop.
And finally, showing that it was not sunny all the time, but the photographers braved the elements to get some impressive images …
Skomer is one of the most important locations for the colonies of Atlantic Puffins in Europe & it is easy to see why. For photographers keen to add puffin images captured in different conditions & lighting to their wildlife portfolio, a three night stay on the island provides an abundance of opportunities. Our focus during the NaturesLens photography holidays are the comical puffins, which can be seen on Skomer in abundant quantities from mid-May through to July.
Our puffins of skomer photography holiday for the dates of June 17 – 20, 2017 still has spaces available & costs £499 for the 3 night stay on the island! There will be a second 2017 holiday, to be held in July, over the dates of July 15 – 18, 2017.