As mentioned previously, there are a number of blog posts coming showing the bird life of Florida from the trip in early 2016, & this is the 2nd of several posts in which I will publish images of some of the wildlife that I was lucky enough to photograph during the week-long trip to photograph ospreys in Florida.
PS my favourite image from this set, is right at the bottom, I was saving, what I thought was the best until last!
A female osprey perched on the edge of her nest waiting for the return of her mate
One of the female ospreys patiently awaits the return of her mate &, hopefully, freshly caught food for their young
One of the male ospreys, having successfully fished, removes the head of the fish, prior to returning to the nest
One of the Ospreys, gently lit in the beautiful light that we experienced virtually every morning, looks backwards, back towards Blue Cypress Lake itself
A female osprey sitting on her nest, later in the week, we saw her newly hatched young peeking above the edge of the nest
One of Blue Cypress Lake‘s ospreys perched on the ramshackle collection of twigs, branches and lichen that make up the nest
An osprey returns to the nest following an expedition out to the lake
A Floridian osprey about to land on it’s nest with the remains of a fish caught from Blue Cypress Lake
Heading out before dawn each day, ensured that we experienced beautiful sunrises as the sun rose opposite all the cypress trees that grow into & from the lake
As the sun rose, the ospreys came to life and began to leave the nests, as long as we had made it to position correctly, silhouette shots were there for the taking
An osprey rides the warming thermals above Blue Cypress Lake
An osprey patiently watches the fish in the shallows of Blue Cypress Lake below
We have an opportunity in 2019 for you to undertake osprey photography for yourself, the photography holiday costs £3749 exc travel to Florida itself – all transportation within Florida, accommodation & guidance/tuition from myself is included, the date for the Ospreys of Blue Cypress Lake is April 13 – 21, 2018.
To hold a place on the trip, we only require an £800 deposit from you, with the balance due 12 weeks prior to the trip taking place.
An osprey prepares for flight – opportunities for images like this present themselves many times during each session on the lake, the density of ospreys means all types of behaviour are easily photographed