The Magical World of the Atlantic Puffins of Skomer Island Photographed During May 2023
May 2023
The adorable Atlantic Puffins of Skomer Island, with their signature colourful beaks & penguin-like waddle, inhabit one of the most beautiful & remote islands off the coast of Wales. Skomer Island is a hidden gem that only a few lucky visitors experience each year. But the encounter with these magical birds is unforgettable for those who do. In this gallery, we’ll showcase the fascinating world of the Atlantic Puffins of Skomer Island using a selection of images sent to us by our Puffin Afficianado, Robin Lowry.
Welsh Puffins of Skomer Island
Join Ian for the 3-night Welsh Puffins of Skomer Island photography holiday on Skomer off the coast of West Wales, to capture images of Skomer’s puffins at all times of day, hopefully including the golden light of sunrise & sunset, during July 2025
Comical Puffins of Skomer Island
Join Ian for the 3-night Comical Puffins of Skomer Island photography holiday in Wales, within the United Kingdom, to capture images of puffins at various different locations over the island, your opportunities will hopefully incorporate the golden light of sunrise & sunset, during May 2025
Atlantic Puffins of Skomer
Join Robin for the 3-night Atlantic Puffins of Skomer photography holiday on Skomer off the coast of West Wales, to capture images of Skomer’s puffins at all times of day, hopefully including the golden light of sunrise & sunset, during June 2025